Tips for Keeping Your Bones Healthy as You Age
  • Jan 22, 2024 Mr. Anuj
    Tips for Keeping Your Bones Healthy as You Age

    As we age, keeping our bones strong and healthy is essential for staying active and independent. According to orthopaedic surgeons, our bone density gradually decreases with age, which makes bones more brittle and prone to breaking. Before our thirties, when bone breakdown surpasses bone synthesis, we continue to gain bone mass, which causes a slight decrease in bone density.

    Osteoporosis is a condition that can dramatically raise a person's risk of fracture, particularly in older individuals. Taking care of oneself after breaking a bone may be quite tough. However, the silver lining is there are ways to maintain solid and resilient bones even when you age. We can keep our bones healthy by being proactive and making lifestyle adjustments. Meanwhile, this article outlines key recommendations from orthopaedic surgeons and medical experts on keeping your skeletal system hard regardless of age.

    Tips for Keeping Your Bones Healthy as You Age

    Get Plenty of Calcium and Vitamin D

    Consuming adequate calcium and vitamin D is vital for healthy bones, yet many older adults fall short. Orthopaedic surgeons recommend at least 1,000-1,200mg of calcium daily for people over 50, either through supplements or calcium-rich foods like yogurt, milk, greens, nuts and salmon. Vitamin D helps your body absorb calcium - aim for 600-800IU/day through sunlight, fatty fish, fortified dairy and potentially supplements.

    Do Weight Bearing and Muscle Strengthening Exercises

    An inactive lifestyle without much physical activity speeds up bone density loss and weak bones. Weight-bearing workouts like walking, jogging, tennis or dancing put healthy pressure on bones to stimulate growth. Additionally, resistance training with weights, bands, or your own body weight builds supporting muscles to take pressure off your skeleton. Shoot for 30 minutes a day most days, incorporating both cardio and strength.

    Reduce Smoking or Drinking

    Several researches indicate that tobacco use and heavy alcohol consumption negatively impact bone health. Smoking causes bone mineral loss, while too much alcohol interferes with the body correctly forming new bone. If you smoke, talk to your doctor about quitting. Additionally, stick within recommended alcohol limits - one drink a day for women and up to two for men.

    Right Nutrition is The Key

    A balanced diet is essential for creating a strong foundation, which is necessary for strong bones. For healthy bones, dairy products, leafy green vegetables, and fortified meals are good sources of calcium. When it comes to bone density and strength, calcium is the star of the show, according to our orthopaedic specialists.

    Alongside this nutritional support, sunlight also provides us with vitamin D, calcium's indispensable partner. Whether through regular sun exposure or, if needed, supplements, maintaining a balance between these two nutrients is crucial for keeping your bones strong and vibrant.

    Have Regular Bone Checkups

    Routine medical checkups allow orthopaedic surgeons to track bone health over time. Yearly physical exams are an opportunity to review bone density test results, risk factors, and any symptoms like back pain that could indicate bone issues. Orthopaedic surgeons may tweak diet, exercise or medication regimens to shore up vulnerable areas. Don't just rely on once-a-decade scans - by establishing open dialogue. Your orthopaedic surgeon can take a personalized approach, adjusting management strategies as needs evolve with age. Annual wellness visits and bone density screenings effectively defend against bone loss.


    Maintaining strong bones throughout life is an ongoing process that requires consistent effort and attention to lifestyle factors. By incorporating the strategies discussed in this guide, you can significantly reduce your risk of osteoporosis and enjoy strong, healthy bones well into your later years. Remember, consulting with an orthopaedic surgeon at HJ Hospital can provide personalized guidance and ensure you take the right steps to protect your bone health within the democratic republic of Congo health system.

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