What is the Role of Radiation Oncologists in Cancer Care?
  • Jan 20, 2024 Mr. Anuj
    What is the Role of Radiation Oncologists in Cancer Care?

    Radiation oncology is a highly specialized field of medicine that deals with diagnosing and treating tumors with radiation therapy. The oncologists who are specialized in this field are known as radiation oncologists. HJ Hospitals offers multiple health check packages to check and diagnose cancer timely.

    Radiation therapy treatment:

    All the cells grow, divide and multiply, but the cells which become cancerous go through this cycle more rapidly than healthy cells. It is designed to damage the cancer cells’ DNA so that they stop spreading and die.

    Radiation therapy is also quite different from other common cancer treatments, such as chemotherapy. This is aimed at the part of the body where the cancer is located. While performing radiology, the oncologists try to limit the harm to the healthy tissues as much as possible. This treatment process is also used in cases when cancer recurs or spreads to other parts of the body. Some types of cancers can be treated with this therapy alone, while others may require a combination of treatments.

    HJ Hospitals has a team of expert oncology surgeons. Let us have a closer look at what role Radiation oncologists play in cancer care:

    1. Treatment Planning: Radiation oncologists first assess the medical history of the patients and the tests conducted previously. After this, they collaborate with specialists to determine what is the best course of radiation treatment. A complete plan is made on how they will target the cancer cells without any damage to healthy tissues.
    2. Radiation Therapy Administration: These oncologists also analyze what techniques will be used in this therapy, such as external beam radiation therapy, internal radiation therapy or systemic radiation therapy. Through this analysis, they ensure what will be the accurate dose which must be prescribed to the patients.
    3. Monitoring and Follow-Up: Throughout the treatment, the oncology surgeons monitor the patient’s response to the ongoing therapy, manage side effects, if any, and make necessary adjustments in the treatment plans. They also take care of follow-ups and keep track of progress.
    4. Surgeries: In some cases, when the patients need to undergo surgery, the radiation oncologist collaborates with the oncology surgeon for further treatment process.

    What are the common cancer types which are treated with this therapy?

    The three most common cancer types which use this therapy are:

    1. Breast Cancer If any cells are left after the surgery, radiation is used to target these.
    2. Lung Cancer Both types of lung cancer; non-small cell lung cancer and small cell lung cancer are treated using radiation.
    3. Prostate Cancer This is treated with a combination of other treatments with radiation therapy.

    What happens after this therapy ends?

    Once your treatment plan is completed, you will have follow-up appointments with the oncologists. Follow-up care is very important to monitor if there are any side effects. Once your body starts healing, fewer follow-ups are required, but if the situation changes, you may be required to consult an oncology surgeon to see if you need surgery.


    Radiation therapy is one of the most powerful tools available to treat cancers. HJ Hospitals has a dedicated team of specialists in the oncology department who specialize in different cancer types. The hospital also offers health check packages so that you can regularly check your health, and it is not heavy on your pockets as well.

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