Easy Tips to Maintain a Healthy Heart!
  • Oct 07, 2020 Admin
    Easy Tips to Maintain a Healthy Heart!

    Studies state that millions of people suffer from heart problems that occur due to stress, smoking, high blood pressure or chemotherapy. The studies caution us to take care of our heart and health in the chaos of our lives. No matter how much you try to take precautions for your heart, with this busy lifestyle, it gets a little difficult. Hence, here are some lifestyle tips to maintain a healthier and happier heart.

    Keep a check on your eating habits!

    Undeniably, having a nutritious and balanced diet is significant for a healthy lifestyle. And when it comes to the heart, you need to be a little more careful. Having a balanced diet does not mean to overload your plate with excessive food even if it is a nutritious one. Make sure to keep a check on the portion size.


    Set your workout routine!

    People think that people suffering from heart problems should refrain themselves from doing exercise, but it’s a misconception. On the other hand, doctors suggest that doing light exercise every day enhances the curing process. Hence, it is advised to choose any of the aerobic activities like walking, swimming, mild jogging or biking. Make sure that you do a little warm-up before performing these exercises and remember not to over-stress yourself.

    Get enough sleep!

    Inadequate sleep increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases. As stated in one study, adults over the age of 45, who slept less than 6 hours were more prone to heart strokes as that of those taking sound sleep. Sleeping for at least 7 to 8 hours in the night is considered as sound and healthy sleep. Follow a proper sleeping schedule by avoiding gadgets an hour before sleep, restraining from a caffeine overdose, preventing harsh lights in the bedroom and meditating for at least 15 minutes in a day.

    After all, it’s not impossible to lead a healthy lifestyle even if you have heart problems. Just follow these steps and come for regular heart checkups at HJ Hospitals to ensure that you remain in the pink of your health.

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