Best Ways to Protect Yourself from Winter Allergies
  • Nov 17, 2023 Admin
    Best Ways to Protect Yourself from Winter Allergies

    From holiday festivities to cozy evenings, winter is a season associated with so many joys. However, for some people, it can be a time of discomfort and irritation due to winter allergies. During the winter, there are many allergens present in the air that can trigger your allergies, but do you know there are so many ways to protect yourself from these and enjoy the season to the fullest. Let’s have a look at some of them:

    • Maintaining indoor air quality -

    Indoor air pollution- The air quality in the winter season gets worse and it becomes one of the major culprits for your allergies. To avoid this, ensure that your home has good ventilation. You can do this by occasionally opening windows, using air purifiers and keeping the humidity level between 30-50%. Doing these will reduce the concentration of allergens in your space. Even after doing these, if you still have problems, then you must go for a general health checkup.

    • Regular Cleaning -

    To prevent allergens from entering your space, regular cleaning is important. Use vacuum cleaner for all the cleaning purposes. Your bedding, carpets, rugs and curtains must be also washed on a frequent basis.

    • Avoid smoking and strong odors -

    Smoking and strong odors from scented candles, air fresheners or bonfires can cause irritation in your respiratory system. To avoid winter allergies, avoid exposure to these irritants.

    • Having a healthy diet -

    Just like a change in clothing, it is also necessary to change our eating habits during winter. You can keep yourself away from such allergies by including healthy and nutritious food in your meals. Having low immunity is one of the major reasons why your body has a low disease-fighting capacity. Make sure that you have a lot of citrus fruits. These are enriched in vitamin C, which helps us in alleviating the symptoms of allergic reactions.

    • Dress up in warm clothes -

    While going outdoors, make sure to cover your nose and mouth and wear layers to avoid too much skin exposure. The cold air triggers your allergies and makes it worse.

    • Allergen-proof your bedroom -

    In the winter season, the bedroom is our favorite destination to spend time. Our pillow and mattress cover contain a lot of allergens, to avoid this you can use the ones which are allergen proof as they create a barrier between you and the allergens. You can also invest in hypoallergenic bedding.

    • Regularly monitor your indoor plants -

    Some indoor plants harbor mold in their soil. Keep a check on these plants and make sure that the surface of the soil is dry so that it can prevent mold growth. To avoid these, you can keep plants which have less chance of growing molds.

    • Stay hydrated -

    The air in the winter season is cold and dry, which can dehydrate your nasal passages and thus make them more susceptible to allergens. To avoid such situations, make sure that you stay hydrated throughout the season. Having plenty of water can keep your mucous membranes moist and thus they function effectively keeping you away from winter allergies.

    To sum up, protecting yourself from winter allergies is essential to avoid any serious health concerns. By taking proactive measures and maintaining good hygiene practices, you can reduce the impact of winter allergies drastically. Even after following the above-mentioned measures, if you still face a problem, make sure that you go for a general health checkup. You can visit HJ Hospitals, for a comprehensive health checkup. With top experts in all the departments, HJ Hospitals is one of the best hospitals in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

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