  • Jan 15, 2024 Mr. Anuj
    5 Common Foot Problems in Adults: Causes and Treatment

    From injuries to inflammation, various problems affect your feet. Some of the most common problems are athlete’s foot, bunions, diabetic neuropathy, ingrown toenails and more. Prioritizing foot health through HJ Hospital’s annual health checkup plan is a proactive step toward maintaining overall well-being. You can consult a podiatrist or an orthopaedic surgeon to help you cure your problems.

    Our feet are made up of 25 bones each, thus making it one of the most intricate areas of our body. Let’s see what some of the most common foot concerns are and when is the right time to seek treatment. 

    1. Athlete’s foot – This problem is caused by walking in damp areas. It is a fungal infection and causes discomfort, itching and pain. You are exposed to fungus when you walk barefoot in areas like the gym, pool and shower. As these areas are damp, you get exposed to fungal infections in such places. This condition is regarded as contagious and may spread to other parts of your body such as hands, groin and scalp. 

    Treatment - Make sure that you keep your feet clean and dry all the time. There are many antifungal sprays, powders and lotions available for antifungal treatments. You can use them with a doctor’s advice. If the fungus spreads or worsens, make sure to consult a doctor.

    1. Bunions – These are abnormalities of feet which cause a bump to develop on the joint of the large toe. A bump is formed when two-foot bones are not connecting properly. This problem is more likely to be seen in women due to increased pressure from narrow footwear.

    Treatment – Make sure to wear properly fitting shoes without any heels. You can also buy a bunion pad from a shoe store as this protects the bunion from any extra pressure. Applying ice for 10 minutes also reduces inflammation. Custom-made shoes are also helpful in curing these. 

    1. Corns – Corns are circles of thickened skin on your toes. These can also be on the sole of your foot. Mostly corns are not painful, but may cause irritation or pain sometimes. Hammer toe or poor-fitting shoes may be the cause behind this.

    Treatment – Corn plasters may help you relieve pressure on corn and also help in healing it. In some cases, you might need minor surgery to get rid of it.

    1. Claw toe – It is also known as claw foot. This occurs when the first toe joint points up and your second joint points down. Sometimes, it is present from birth and sometimes it may be a sign of other conditions such as diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis and cerebral palsy.

    Treatment – The treatment for this includes splints, wearing proper shoes, doing exercise and medications.

    1. Ingrown toenail – Toenails that grow around the surrounding skin of our nails are known as ingrown toenails. This occurs when you have nails that curve, nails which are not properly trimmed or due to any injury to the toes. This mostly causes discomfort, and the severe ones may cause redness, bleeding, pus and pain.

    Treatment – The mild cases can be treated at home with warm soaks, pain relievers and antibiotics. In severe cases, it is always advisable to consult a doctor and get surgery. Orthopaedic surgeons or a podiatrist are specialised in such surgeries. 


    Foot problems in adults are very common, but it is important to understand the causes and available treatments as these may cause severe discomfort and also enhance overall foot health. Seeking timely medical consultation and adopting preventive measures can make a difference. Make sure to consult a podiatrist or orthopaedic surgeon in case your foot problem gets severe. At HJ Hospitals, our commitment to comprehensive care extends beyond just addressing the issues. With our annual health checkup plan, we prioritize preventive measures, including thorough foot examinations. 

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